Witchcraft, Tarot, & Demontology

Witchcraft Classes, Consultation, and Spell Work Support

Robin is part of the Witchcraft school The Magickal Path, teaching a course on witchcraft and poetry called Enchanted Incantations. To enroll, click here.


Demonology 101 Course Available for Download!

Demonology 101 is a concise and practical guide on how to work with demons both from the Ars Goetia and from the land you live on. This book will teach you the basic history of demons and demonology, several approaches to working with demons and instructions on how to complete those spells, descriptions of demon sigils and working with sigils, and prompts to help deepen your practice. The end of the book contains further reading suggestions and resources.

This 45 page introductory course covers the basics of meeting and working with demons through three different methods as well as using common witchcraft tools like tarot and crystal balls from a demon magick perspective. Additionally, this course provides detail on using sigils and further reading to continue your practice.


With seven years of experience as a witch, Robin offers consultations on building and strengthening your witchcraft practice and executing spells. Robin considers themself an eclectic witch with influences from Celtic, Italian, and North American folk magick as well as planetary magick, and ceremonial magick.

For any of these services please fill out the form below. This is offered on a sliding scale of pricing. Prices are also determined by the specifics of the work you are pursuing as some folks might want just one session and others might want several sessions over time.

Click here to Sign-up and Robin will email you to make a plan that works with your schedule.

Click here to schedule a 30-minute consultation.

Image description: the graphic features the same information as the description above but features a spell book graphic with a pentacle on it and sparkles


Robin is an experienced tarot reader who approaches divination and reading with a social justice lens. Robin charges $20 per half hour session and welcomes attendees to decide the areas of focus that they want to reading to hone in on.

To book a session schedule here .